I'm Morgan!

The Founder & CEO of Fundraising Beyond Borders. My mission is to help you fundraise with confidence.

July 26, 2023

How Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Builds Community with Donors

Peer-to-peer fundraising is often thought about as only a tool to raise money through donor’s networks.

However, have you also thought about how it can also foster a sense of community with your current donors?

One of the most beautiful things about peer-to-peer fundraising is its ability to unite people.

By empowering your current donors to become fundraisers themselves, you’re creating a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who share a common passion for your cause.

These peer fundraisers become ambassadors for your organization, leveraging their personal networks to expand your reach and influence.

It’s a win-win situation – your supporters get to actively contribute to a cause they care about, while your organization benefits from increased visibility and support.

So what are three must-haves for a stellar peer-to-peer fundraiser?

1. Rock-Solid Online Platform

An effective online platform is the backbone of any successful peer-to-peer fundraiser. It should be user-friendly, visually appealing, and equipped with all the necessary features to facilitate seamless fundraising. Make sure your platform allows participants to create personalized fundraising pages, track progress, and easily share their campaigns on social media. The easier it is for your ambassadors to navigate and use the platform, the more engaged and motivated they’ll be.

2. Fundraising Toolkit for Your Ambassadors

Your peer fundraisers are superheroes, but even superheroes need some tools! Provide your ambassadors with a comprehensive fundraising toolkit that equips them with everything they need to excel. This toolkit can include sample email templates, social media graphics, fundraising tips, and success stories from previous campaigns. By providing them with resources and guidance, you’re setting them up for success and making their fundraising journey a breeze.

3. Celebration

Every milestone achieved in your peer-to-peer fundraiser is worth celebrating. It not only acknowledges the efforts of your ambassadors but also inspires others to join the movement. Recognize and appreciate their hard work by publicly acknowledging their accomplishments through shoutouts on social media, personalized thank-you messages, or even small rewards. When you celebrate milestones, you foster a sense of camaraderie and reinforce the community spirit that makes peer-to-peer fundraising so special.

So, dear nonprofit leaders and fundraisers, don’t overlook the power of peer-to-peer fundraising in your strategy.

Embrace this approach, and watch as your supporters become your most passionate advocates, rallying their friends, family, and colleagues to join the cause.

Remember, it’s all about building a community, providing the right tools, and celebrating the journey.

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